Tuesday, January 18, 2011

365: Days 9-15

Packing up Christmas.
Really needing things to be empty and sparse in the house again!
I can't believe it actually snowed here again!
We got about 6 inches of beautiful, white snow.
It's such a rarity, that snow days put me in the most amazing mood.
I want to cook and bake like a fiend.
Hot Ovaltine flows in abundance!01/11/11
I love snow almost as much as I love Superman!01/12/11
Still cooking and baking everything I can get my hands on, but the beautiful snow has turned to treacherous ICE.
The view from my kitchen sink is still beautiful, though.01/13/11
Superman has ruined Tiger.
All it took was leftover ham from Christmas dinner.
After Cameron successfully trained Tiger to meow, "out" and "want out" at the door to be let out, Superman has now trained him to meow "ham".
If I ever learn to upload videos, I'll have to post Tiger in action!01/14/11
An added perk of Wyatt taking karate is that he's started guitar lessons with one of his teachers at the dojo.
We are so blessed to have Matt working with Wyatt.
(Italian Grilled Chicken)
You know you're old when your favorite Christmas present was a cast iron griddle.
I swear, I should have bought myself one of these years ago!
Since Christmas, I've used it at least 3 times a week.
I am not only loving the griddle, but seriously lovin' me some cast iron these days!

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