This is how he looked at the start of class today(the clothes, not the expression)...

And this is how he looked at the end of class...

Today was testing day in karate for W. He moved from his yellow belt to his orange belt.
They practiced pinning partners.
Nunchaku (
nun chucks)...

And hook kicks...

Once they earn their new belts, they have a ceremony. The students place their old belts on the floor in front of their feet. They then step over the belt and are dressed in the new belt by their teacher.

He was proud of himself! We were proud of him, too!

But he's still no match for Superman!

In the words of my littlest joy... Peace Out!
Anna Marie wants to take karate, but the nearest studio is 15 miles away in the next county, and gas isn't getting any cheaper!
Girl, I read your comment where you said that you lived close to me and now I'm dying to know how close! glad to see you and your adorable boys!
That first picture of your "karate kid" looks just like your Superman!! Thanks for still reading my blog! Be sure to show Superman my "creation".
What's up girl? Miss you! Hope you are well and Happy Mother's Day! Love- Amy
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