Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 103 ~ For Ginny

Fresh squeezed orange juice by Wyatt.
We bought OJ today, and also made fresh squeezed.
Our taste-test concludes that there is no comparison between fresh squeezed and carton OJ.
Fresh squeezed is the BEST!
(This post is for Ginny, my dear friend from back home, who facebooked -yes that is a verb now- me to let me know I'm way behind in posting.)
She is so right! I think I'm going to start back posting each day with my current pics, and just adding in the older ones from when the computer crashed as I can get to them!
Love and miss you!!!


Jessica @ One Shiny Star said...

I'm in love with the mango orange juice though... that would be a pain to make at home!

ginny said...

Thanks Dana!!I love seeing your family. You are an amazing mom. Miss you & love you too! I'm looking forward to you blogging more!

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