Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 38~

(even if he did put this shirt back on every day of this weekend, Lord help me...)
I tell my boys that all the time. And it's exactly how I feel.
Do you ever feel unworthy of these crazy little blessings that we call children? I sure do!

I look into their eyes and I am amazed. You see, I was a mess before they came along. I made a thousand bad decisions. And, I just don't think that it's humanly possible that I ever did enough right in my life to deserve such wonderful children!

Don't get me wrong. They are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination! There are days when I want to cry when I see how much laundry my messy boys have created. There are days when I wonder if I'll ever make it 24-hours without telling them to stop__________ (hitting each other, stepping on top of each other, fussing with each other, etc).

But there is never a day when I feel worthy of God entrusting me with such precious little boys in my life! Thank goodness God doesn't just give you what you deserve.

HE truly must have loved me a whole lot!


Anonymous said...

I completely relate to every word of your post. I look at my kids everyday with such wonder.

Beehive Art Salon said...

Beautiful post! I myself have FOUR boys (no girls) and it is very messy and very rewarding all at the same time somehow! God only sends boys to very special people ;)....

Dana said...

Yes, I wonder the same thing sometimes. Even when they are fighting and fussing and messing and generally being a pain. :)

Emily@remodelingthislife said...

So sweet. Thanks for the great thoughts and reminder.

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