Thursday, February 3, 2011

365: Days 23-29

Cameron still loves Legos.
I see no end in sight!
And, I must say, that makes me happy!
I love them, too, except for when I step on one.

On his way out with our carpool to karate.
So glad that he enjoys karate now!
Incredibly thankful for good friends that make karate even more fun.
I've found a new favorite at our local Chinese take-out place...
Vegetable Mei Fun with no mushrooms or broccoli.
One order of this can literally feed 3 of us.
I spent today helping Wyatt DEEP CLEAN his room.
This was when we were almost done- 2 of the 3 bags of trash.
Who knew one child could make such a mess?
I had promised him 30 minutes of help, which turned out to be more along the lines of two hours.
We rearranged some things, took out some furniture, brought in some other pieces.
It's looking really good now!
I need to make a couple of curtains for his room, then it will be finished!

We had a surprise visit from Grammy & PawPaw today.
They were on their way home from a meeting at the beach.
Love that our house just so happens to be 'on the way' to so many of PawPaw's meetings!

Thanks heavens for these two!
While The GodWoman and I were working on a picture video, we had issues with some of the music files.
Superman and The Godfather fixed it for us.
Add that to the list of reasons we're thankful for them.

We traveled to Raleigh this weekend to celebrate Natalie's 40th birthday.
She is some kind of wonderful!
You know how there are sometimes people in your life that you truly feel blessed to have had an opportunity to know?
Well, Natalie is one of those people.
She has special needs, and I learned this weekend that she wasn't expected to survive the first year of her life.
I'm so grateful that God chose to keep her here on this Earth for a lot longer!
I'm a better person for having known her!

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